Monday, October 18, 2010

Blogging, laundry, and the magic penis

I have decided that blogging is basically free therapy. Getting it all out there is cathartic. I tried to use facebook as an outlet, but there are only so many times you can post bizarre stories about declaring war with the laundry and how heavily interested your 4 year old is in his penis before someone threatens to call Child Protection on you. So, thanks HMO for making it virtually impossible for me to get real therapy and on with the blog.

2 nights ago, we were all sitting in the living room watching a movie when I noticed Matthew zipping up his jammies. I asked him what was he doing and he replied in a matter of fact tone, "Doing my Penis". In an attempt to suppress laughter from the 13 year old, I quickly said, "Oh, OK" trying to end the subject but he continued with, "sometimes it goes up". I shot a stern look at Skylar and shushed Chris so everyone would keep a straight face to avoid laughing as I am acutely aware that my faulty gene pool already pre-disposes my children to serial killer tendencies, I certainly do not want an altered memory of the whole family laughing at Matthew's penis to increase the odds.

This leads me to my question... Good Lord, what is it with the penis? I know grown men are completely obsessed with it, but babies too? How do they know? It's not like he knows at this age what is does or that it is anything other than a body part. The kids do not sit around rubbing their noses or fingers. Maybe they think it is magic because it goes up and down and makes pee. The magic penis?

I don't know if Skylar and I are going to survive all this testosterone.