Monday, March 10, 2008

March is birthday month, AKA March Madness. Chris and Matthew have back to back birthdays so we do a whole lot of celebrating. Since we had just done Will's Christening, we decided not to do a big party. Chris' mom came in town and I made a cake. Yes, I really made it and I iced it too, which is why it looks they way it does, but it was made with love and that is all that really counts.

William loves balloons. He is absolutely fascinated by them. He looks like a drunk lunatic with his party hat sliding off his head, like he spent the night partying with the balloon in the French Quarter.

Matthew loves singing "Happy Birthday" but it comes out "Ha bur da to yew" He sings it frequently.

We had a great time.

1 comment:

Johnny Walker said...

That is the cutest picture I have ever seen. "Drunk lunatic" is a bit harsh, though! This is the first time I have seen these pix. Adorable! I love that the kids are sledding. Very northern of you.