Wednesday, October 29, 2008

William's birthday

So 10-23 was Liam's first birthday. We were in New Orleans the week before and decided to have a small birthday party for him. This rapidly turned into a large baby blow out complete with Space Walk (which incidentally Northerners call a Moon Bounce and look at you funny when you say space walk), small blow up ball pit, Saint's game on the big screen TV and all the BBQ you can eat.

We had lots of fun. Liam did not want to stick his fingers in his piece of cake and rejected it when we offered him some. This is in direct contrast to Matthew who immediately began jumping up and down chanting "Cake, cake, cake" when the cake was brought out, proudly wore his safari party hat, sang "Happy Birthday" but replaced William's name with his own, assisted with blowing out the candles, and ate so much cake throughout the day he honestly pooped blue the next day (from the icing).

I will post pictures when I'm not feeling quite so lazy. William is currently sick so today has been somewhat stressful.

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