Today we went to the mall to see Santa. Matthew was dressed so cute in his red Christmas sweater and William in a Christmas onsie with polar bears on the feet. While in line, Matthew was smiling, saying Ho Ho Ho, and everyone was happy. When it was our turn, I placed William on Santa's lap, William has begun to smile in the past few days so he gave Santa a big grin, Matthew was boldly walking up to Santa with no reservation. I, armed with video camera, watched with delight as my children were to take their first Santa picture. Then it happened, a total Santa meltdown. Matthew got close enough to Santa to realize he is not a benevolent old man who eats cookies and drinks milk, but is in fact a large, scary, horrible creature that eats small children. Matthew lost it. Screaming and running and hiding behind Chris' leg. I, still armed with video camera, watched helplessly as all the other parents in line shielded their children from Matthew's horror in fear their children would also realize they were about to be eaten by Santa.
We finally got Matthew on the poor man's lap for all of 3 seconds while the lady took the picture. Needless to say, the picture is hysterical. Matthew is just screaming and William is staring at him making the funniest face like "what's wrong with you" and the Santa is NOT smiling.
You'd think our terrorizing the Moorestown mall would have ended there, but oh no, the Howell's do it up right.
Matthew then went to toss coins into the fountain, which is conveniently located right next to the Santa display which was great so Matthew could keep an eye on the shifty Santa.
Matthew began by tossing coins then sticking his hand in the water, then his whole arm, then began splashing the water all over the floor. On attempts to remove him from the fountain, he began hitting and screaming, throwing himself on the floor, and attempting to heave himself into the fountain. Being the excellent mother I am, all I could do was laugh, especially when I noticed the 2 security guards who had been undoubtedly called to stop the small child from jumping into the fountain. They were laughing at me. Chris and I just sat there and laughed. Jackie, Chris' mother, walked away clearly not wanting to be seen with us and Aunt Dolly sort of stood there not knowing what to do.
Nope, still not over.
We finally got to the exit of the mall with Matthew just having a total meltdown and I gave him a French fry from the Arby's bag that was to be for his dinner. This appeased him momentarily until I tried to put his soaking wet arm into his jacket. He again began to cry but this time when he cried, mushed up half eaten French fry all fell out of his mouth all over the mall floor.
Chris just picked him up and carried him sort of like a football out of the mall. I followed with William in the stroller, who had begun to cry also. Jackie had already left and Dolly followed a good distance behind me.
The picture from the Santa is proudly hanging on my fridge to remind me to shoot myself before taking my kids to the mall ever again.
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