Friday, May 16, 2008

The Howell exhibit

On Mother's day we went to the Philadelphia Zoo, which incidentally is America's first zoo. Chris, his mom, Matthew, William, and myself all loaded into the car for a day of fun filled excitement at the zoo. We were supposed to get there for 9:30 AM. We left our house at 10:45AM only to find once we were in downtown Philadelphia that each and every one of Philadelphia's 6 million residents and their mothers were running the "Race for the Cure". Nobel cause, I support it wholeheartedly, but it took us 2 1/2 hours to get to the zoo. I know you expect me to say that Matthew and William were hysterical, but no, they were good. Chris on the other hand had a little cabin fever temper tantrum after hour 2, but calmed when we promised him ice cream.

By the time we parked 1/2 a mile away and walk to the zoo entrance, we see the line to get in wrapped around the block. The only way to bypass this line is to become a zoo member, so Jackie graciously joined us up for zoo for 2 years and in we went.

First order of business: diaper changes. Have you ever been to the restroom at the zoo? I do not recommend it.
Second order of business: "OF Fies", this translates to French Fries in Matthew-ese. After standing in line for 25 minutes and spending 35 dollars on a hot dog, a hamburger, and 3 orders of OF-Fies, and a soft pretzel, we realized we had no where to sit and eat.
... I present to you "The Howell Exhibit".
There we all were, squatting down, shoveling food quickly into our mouths, me holding William's bottle with one hand and eating with the other, Matthew threw his soft pretzel into a tree, Chris retrieved it, blew on it and gave it back to him. At one point, I picked tree pollen and debris off William's head, still eating with the other hand and realized I looked like a mommy orangutan preening her young.
Finally, we walked around and enjoyed the zoo. It was really fun. Matthew and I rode a horse. The whole time he was screaming "No Thank You" at the top of his lungs and as usual, I was cracking up laughing.
Matthew and Chris fed a goat and a sheep, we watched a Cheetah pee, we roared at lions, made elephant noises along with arm motions as if they were trunks. William slept mostly, but did see a peacock and the giraffes (my personal favorite).
We left exhausted but had loads of mother's day fun.

1 comment:

The Bucklers said...

Sounds like such fun!! We cant wait to take our girls to the Atlanta or Columbia Zoo. Alli already loves to visit the peacock at a nearby Mexican Restaurant (don't ask ~ weird, right?), except the problem is that she tells everyone that her Daddy takes her to see the "pink cock." We're working on that....