Sunday, May 4, 2008

Kentucky Derby

So last night was the Kentucky Derby. I love horse racing, I used to love going to the Fairgrounds in New Orleans for my birthday and play all day.

Anyway, my mother in law is up visiting and we decided we'd like to bet, so I went online to figure out how to do off track betting. This sounds easy. I finally got a hold of a company and was very hesitant to give my credit card info and sign up. I kept calling them asking questions about how hacker safe are they and do they charge me for any transactions and do they take a percentage of my winnings. They were laughing at me and assured me that everything was free and safe. I wondered how they made any money if everything was free and the man chuckled and said "We make money when you lose".

So the next step was to get a prepaid VISA so I could deposit betting money into my book (like bookie, bookmaker etc...). I go through all this bull, time consuming, and I finally have it all ready to go, I call to place the bets, we are only minutes away from the starting bell of the race and the phone rings. It's the fraud prevention unit from our credit card company. Chris answered the phone and apparently I opened an account in Israel and they were trying to charge our card $54.00 over and over again.

Chris explained to the man that his insane wife and mother were drunk on Mint Julips and were trying to bet on the stinking Kentucky Derby. Chris and agent shared a hearty laugh and he removed all charges from my card.

Incidentally, I would have won. I was going to bet "Eight Bells" to win, place and show. Eight Bells came in second (Place), but sadly was euthanized immediately after the race on the race track because she broke both ankles as soon as she crossed the finish line. It was a very somber end to an otherwise fun and happy day.

So, the moral of the story is ... Next year, I'm just going to go to the Kentucky Derby myself.

1 comment:

Elka Staley said...

Scott and I live for the Farigrounds!! I have a Derby party at my house every year and I make great mint juleps!